Knee Pain

Types of knee pain

There are a variety of differing causes of knee pain which often overlap and are multifactorial. Below is a brief list of the common types of knee pain you can experience. Physiotherapy can help to work out why your knee is sore, and how to address it.
knee pain SS

Tendon pain

The tendon above the patella (knee cap), attaching the quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh to the knee cap.

The tendon attaching the kneecap and quadriceps muscle to the shin bone.

The tendons behind the back of the knee attaching the hamstrings to the shin bone.

Tendon injuries are often due to overloading the tendon and respond well to stretching, strengthening of the appropriate muscles and a progressive tendon loading program.

Ligament injuries

An important ligament for stability within the knee joint, and it is important to have a swift diagnosis to help with management in the acute phase, along with managing return to sport and onward referral if required. May present with a lot of swelling.

An important ligament for stability within the knee joint. Again, important to manage the acute phase for best healing.

The ligament down the inside of the knee joint.

Ligament injuries respond best to protection of the joint, and onward referral and bracing if necessary, allowing healing of the injured part, whilst maintaining strength. After this a progressive rehabilitation programme should be followed. 

The ligament down the outer side of the knee joint.

Ligament injuries respond best to protection of the joint, and onward referral and bracing if necessary, allowing healing of the injured part, whilst maintaining strength. After this, a progressive rehabilitation programme should be followed. 

Joint conditions

Joint pain can come from the knee joint itself, the patellofemoral joint between the kneecap and the femur, and the proximal tibiofibular joint. Joint pain can be from damage to the structures within the joint or overload. Damage to a structure within the knee such as a ligament or cartilage tear or arthritis can be diagnosed through clinical assessment, and imaging in the form of an x-ray or MRI scan.

The two menisci are crescent shaped shock absorbers within the knee joint, and are a common injury. Many can settle with good physiotherapy management, some may need surgery.

Knee replacements

Surgeons can do amazing things with knee replacements if it comes to that. However, it is important to get physiotherapy afterwards to help with scars, joint mobility, muscle strength, and to get you back to the activities you love.

Other causes of knee pain

Other pain in and around the knee joint can be muscular, neural, and biomechanical in origin. Physiotherapy can help you get the correct diagnosis and management advice to help you have a good recovery.

How do we help you get back on the road to recovery?

Here at CSPC we have a wide range of treatment options to help get you off the physio bed and back out and about doing whatever you want to do. The physiotherapist will take a thorough case history and assess all of the areas listed above. Treatment can include.


Constantly challenging ourselves to be the best

We are dedicated to continually training, challenging and developing ourselves to ensure we are at the leading edge of our profession. The best practices are constantly evolving and Alison leads the internal training at the clinic, working with the team, in small groups and individually ensuring that all staff provide the same high standards of care. All members of CSPC staff also attend regular external training. Many of these courses are run at the clinic with external educators to further expand our knowledge and experience.

If you have any questions, are ready to book an appointment or are planning your trip to see us then you’ll find all the information you need below.

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