Strength and Conditioning with CSPC Physiotherapy

Be strong with CSPC physiotherapy

At CSPC physiotherapy, we aim to get you back to your best as quickly as possible, returning you to your chosen sport or activity by rehabilitating you back to strength whilst helping prevent injury recurrence.

We recognise that some of you want to get stronger in order to perform better in your sport, to get fitter or to maintain strength as you get older so you can continue to do the things you love. Whatever your reason for wanting to get stronger, we can help!

CSPC physiotherapist Neil Smitherman is a qualified strength and conditioning (S&C) instructor experienced in setting exercise programmes, tailored to an individual’s needs.

During the S&C session in our equipped gym at the clinic, Neil will discuss your goals and what you want to get out of the session. He will then work with you to assess your current strength, and then set a programme of relevant exercises, making sure you understand how to do them with the correct technique.

Neil will also be able to advise during the session whether you need any hands on treatment with a physiotherapist or soft tissue therapist to work on any areas of restriction that are holding you back.


Our physiotherapists can work with you and your coach, if you have one, to set a programme that works alongside your training to help improve performance and prevent injury. A number of coaches will ask us to assess athletes, to help work out why they may struggle to perform certain exercises correctly, and this may come down to incorrect movement patterning or a joint restriction that can be addressed.

Fitness And Health

As we get older, we naturally lose muscle mass and strength if we don’t do work on maintaining or developing it. Resistance or strength training has been found to help maintain muscle mass as we age. Our physiotherapists can assess your current level of strength and stability, and then set exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home or in the gym if you prefer.


Rehabilitation is something we are passionate about at CSPC. If a previous injury is not rehabilitated back to full strength in a functional way, there is an increased risk of injury recurrence when you get back to your chosen activities. Our physiotherapists will work to get you back to your chosen sport or activity as quickly as possible, setting exercises that will rehabilitate the injured area. If you require surgery, we help to make sure you are as robust as possible prior to your operation and post op, and support your recovery to help get you back to your best.

To book your one hour strength and conditioning session with Neil at the clinic, please call a member of our admin team. They can also book you in with one of our other physiotherapists depending on your requirements, which will differ from person to person.

One hour S&C session – £93 for an initial appointment and £83 for a review. 

If you have any questions, are ready to book an appointment or are planning your trip to see us then you’ll find all the information you need below.

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