Help Fund Treatment Costs

Help fund treatment costs with a Healthcare Cash Plan

Health cash plans are NOT private medical insurance; they’re a simple, significantly cheaper way of helping you afford your routine healthcare costs, including physiotherapy, dental, optical treatment and more

How it works

You pay a monthly premium, depending on how much cover you want, and when you receive treatment, you pay upfront and then send the receipt to the insurer and it reimburses you. Your plan will have limits as to how much you can claim in a year for each benefit for yourself (and dependents if included). With some plans, for a lower monthly premium, you can opt to get back 50% rather than 100% of your costs.

Choosing a plan – things to consider – do the maths!

Many of these plans allow pre-existing conditions and often start immediately after joining. These are great for those who want to reduce the cost of their healthcare!

You could save £100’s a year…

… HOWEVER only if you’re organised enough to claim each time

Considering how good value these plans are for people who claim, it stands to reason that the only way the providers can be making a profit is by relying on those who forget to claim. Cash plans are great value, but only if you’re organised enough to make the claim in time (usually within six months). Also, make a note of the plan’s year end. Benefits unused are not rolled over to the next year, so if your cash plan year end is April and you need an eye test/dental check-up, if there’s still money to claim, make sure you book an appointment before that date in April, rather than waiting until May. The Money Saving Expert website provides a comprehensive guide, including comparisons of the cash plans out there and advise on which is best suited to you.

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